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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Balance Sheets
Statements of Income/(Loss)
Statements of Comprehensive Income/(Loss)
Statements of Changes in Equity
Statements of Cash Flows
Statements of Cash Flows (Parenthetical)
Notes to Financial Statements
General information
Basis of preparation
Summary of significant accounting policies
Property, plant and equipment
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets
Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Other current receivables
Share capital
Trade payables and accrued liabilities
Financing obligation
Contract revenues
Expenses by category
Related-party transactions
Income taxes
Retirement benefit plan
Share-based compensation
Commitments and contingencies
Earnings per share
Financial instruments and risk management
Capital risk management
Subsequent events
Accounting Policies
Summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of significant accounting policies (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets (Tables)
Prepaid expenses and accrued income (Tables)
Other current receivables (Tables)
Share capital (Tables)
Trade payables and accrued liabilities (Tables)
Contract revenues (Tables)
Expenses by category (Tables)
Related-party transactions (Tables)
Income taxes (Tables)
Retirement benefit plan (Tables)
Share-based compensation (Tables)
Commitments and contingencies (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Financial instruments and risk management (Tables)
Notes Details
General information (Details)
Basis of preparation (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies, Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies, Property, plant and equipment (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies, Income taxes (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies, Segment reporting (Details)
Property, plant and equipment (Details)
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets, Cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets, Cash and cash equivalents and short-term financial assets (Details)
Prepaid expenses and accrued income (Details)
Other current receivables (Details)
Share capital (Details)
Share capital, Convertible Note Agreement an Follow-On Offerings (Details)
Share capital, Shelf Registration Statement (Details)
Trade payables and accrued liabilities (Details)
Financing obligation (Details)
Contract revenues, Contract Revenue Attributable to Licensing Arrangements (Details)
Contract revenues, Changes in Contract Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Contract revenues, Recognized Revenues (Details)
Contract revenues, Morphomer Tau small molecule - 2018 license agreement with Eli Lilly and Company (Details)
Contract revenues, Anti-Abeta Antibody in AD - 2006 Agreement with Genentech (Details)
Contract revenues, Anti-Tau Antibody in AD - 2012 Agreement with Genentech (Details)
Contract revenues, Tau Vaccine in AD - 2014 Agreement with Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Details)
Contract revenues, Tau-PET imaging agent in AD -2014 Agreement with Life Molecular Imaging (formerly Piramal Imaging SA) (Details)
Contract revenues, A-syn and TDP-43 PET tracers - 2016 agreement with Biogen (Details)
Contract revenues, Grants from the Michael J. Fox Foundation (Details)
Expenses by category (Details)
Related-party transactions (Details)
Income taxes (Details)
Income taxes, Unrecognized Deductible Temporary Differences, Unused Tax Losses and Unused Tax Credits (Details)
Retirement benefit plan (Details)
Retirement benefit plan, Changes in Defined Benefit Obligation (Details)
Retirement benefit plan, Changes in Fair Value of Plan Assets (Details)
Retirement benefit plan, Change in Net Defined Benefit Liability (Details)
Retirement benefit plan, Change in Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Retirement benefit plan, Actuarial Assumptions and Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Share-based compensation, Plans Outstanding (Details)
Share-based compensation, Weighted Average Exercise Prices (Details)
Share-based compensation, Outstanding Options, Range of Exercise prices and Expiration Dates (Details)
Share-based compensation, Weighted Average Grant date Fair Value and Assumptions (Details)
Share-based compensation, Non-vested Share Awards (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management (Details)
Subsequent events (Details)
All Reports